Moqueca or Brazilian Salmon Stew

Moqueca or Brazilian Salmon Stew:

This is a delicious take on the traditional Brazilian fish stew, moqueca. Onions, peppers, tomato products, cilantro, and marinated salmon are stacked and cooked over medium heat.

Brazilian Salmon Stew

A delectable and savory fish stew known as “moqueca” is a specialty of Northern Brazil, prepared using a local white aquatic creature, green bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, and coconut milk.

Salmon: Moqueca or Brazilian Salmon Stew:

Since the standard Brazilian fish employed in moqueca isn’t found here, a Brazilian colleague of acquaintance introduced me to an improvised version of this delicious stew made using salmon several years ago.

Method for Taste:

The approach of this recipe is a little surprising since it calls for simmering the stew for at least half an hour. For all of us who adore seafood, we are aware that lengthy cooking times and fish do not mix well. There is an exception with this dish. Although it takes a long time to simmer the stew until the salmon is cooked through, it does the trick!

Thick stew with a rich, creamy coconut taste:

The salmon is marinated in a mixture of lime juice, cumin, and paprika before being cooked in coconut milk with onion each year, tomatoes, and bell peppers. Let see now how to make  Moqueca or Brazilian Salmon Stew?

Easy-to-Freeze Salmon Stew:

The next day, when the tastes have had an additional opportunity to combine, the soup is even more delicious. As mentioned in How to Freeze Stew, Beans, and Broth, freezing the soup is likewise a simple process. It reheats the soup wonderfully!

Components for  Moqueca or Brazilian Salmon Stew:

1/2 head of garlic cloves, peeled, smashed, and minced.

2 tsp freshly squeezed lime juice.

2 and a half teaspoons of coarse salt.

1 spoonful of paprika, sweet.

1 and a half teaspoons newly ground black pepper.

2 and a half tablespoons ground cumin.

The soup:

1 1/2 to two pounds of salmon, divided into large, bite-sized chunks measuring 2 inches.

1 virgin olive grease.

2 medium-sized onions, cut the onions.

1 sizable green bell pepper that has been seed, stemmed, and slice.

2 medium-sized tomatoes, cut into slices.

Add salt and pepper that has been freshly grounded to taste.

1 can of regular coconut water (not light; 14 ounces).

1 large bunch of freshly chopped cilantro (one to two cups).

Technique for Moqueca or Brazilian Salmon Stew:

To marinate the salmon, put the cloves of garlic, juice of one lime, coarse salt, cumin, sweet paprika, and black pepper in a medium-sized bowl. Give the salmon at least two hours to marinate in this mixture. The longer period, the better.

Arrange the components in a big pot in layers:

Grease a big covered pan or Dutch oven from bottom to top with a few teaspoons of olive oil. Start with a layer of chopped onions, followed by sliced bell peppers and sliced tomatoes.

Relayer the onions, peppers, bell peppers, and tomatoes after placing the fish pieces marinated in the marinade on top of the rest of the food.

Add olive oil, coconut milk, and cilantro on top:

Add a large amount of salt and pepper. Top with roughly half of the fresh cilantro.

Drizzle everything with coconut milk. Drizzle several tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil on top.

Prepare the stew:

Heat till boiling. When the vegetables are tender, lower the flame to low, cover, and simmer for 30 to 60 minutes.

Transfer the heated dish into separate bowls and top with the leftover cilantro.


Details Servings: 6–8

items per portion:

Calories: 392% Per Day 28g of total fat 13g of 36% saturated fat 71 mg of cholesterol, or 63%-337 milligrams of sodium (24%).

15%; 8g of total carbohydrates 3% Dietary Fiber, 2 g of total sugars, or 6% 27g of protein 24 mg of vitamin C 53 mg of calcium, 118% 4% Iron (3 mg) 17% Potassium (753 mg) 16 percent

The percentage Daily Value (DV) indicates the amount of a nutrient that a food portion provides for your daily intake. The recommended daily intake of calories for general nutrition is 2,000.

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