DMCA Policy

DMCA Policy

This Digital Millennium Copyright Act policy (“Policy”) governs the website (“Website” or “Service”) and any of its affiliated products and services (collectively, “Services”). It also specifies how the website operator (“Operator,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) responds to copyright infringement notices and how you, the user (“you” or “your”), may file a complaint.

We expect our users and their authorized agents to share our strong belief in the preservation of intellectual property. The U.S. Copyright Office website has the complete text of the 1998 United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), whose provisions we swiftly address in the event of clear allegations of alleged copyright infringement. Using WebsitePolicies, the creation of this DMCA policy.

Table of contents

  1. Considerations before bringing a copyright lawsuit
  2. Notifications of infractions
  3. Additions and alterations
  4. Notifying the public about copyright infringement

Please be advised that if you are unsure if the content you are reporting is actually infringing, you may choose to consult with an attorney before filing a notification with us.

According to the DMCA, the copyright infringement notification must contain your personal information. If you are concerned about the security of the information you provide, you may decide to employ a representative to report anything that violates your rights.

Notifications of infringement

Filing a DMCA complaint starts a pre-arranged court case. We will investigate your complaint to ensure that it is complete, accurate, and legitimate. We may include taking down or restricting access to content that is purportedly infringing as part of our response.

If we remove or restrict access to materials or terminate an account in response to a report of alleged infringement, we shall make a sincere effort to contact the affected user and inform them about the removal or restriction of access.

Changes and amendments

At any time, at our discretion, we retain the right to change this Policy or any of its conditions pertaining to the Website and Services. We’ll tell you by email as soon as we do. At our discretion, we may also notify you through other channels, like the contact details you have supplied.

Updates to this policy will become effective as soon as they are uploaded to the internet, unless specified differently. Your continued use of the Website and Services will be interpreted as your consent to the changes once the updated Policy (or another act stated at that time) takes effect.

If you would like to notify us of any behavior or content linked to infringement, please use the contact details provided below to get in touch with us via:

Contact Us